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Transforming Lives Through Quality Plastic Surgery

“I strive to provide the highest level of patient care possible by treating each patient as I would expect my family to be treated. By combining surgical precision with an artistic balance, we are able to improve a patient’s natural appearance and help boost their confidence. Patients experience immediate results and significant improvements in self-esteem and quality of life. It is an extremely rewarding transformation to witness.” - Dr. Landon Pryor

Dr. Landon Pryor

About Dr. Landon Pryor

MD, FACS | Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Pryor holds the distinguished position of being triple fellowship trained and board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

He is also a proud member of numerous professional associations. These include the American College of Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He further extends his expertise to organizations like the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, and the Rhinoplasty Society. In addition, he contributes to the American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons, the Illinois Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the Chicago Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Dr. Pryor founded the BII Centers of Excellence with a mission to aid patients grappling with Breast Implant Illness to ensure they find providers who acknowledge their concerns sincerely. His goal is to facilitate access to high-quality care to pave the way for patients to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.


  • BS, Biology: University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois), 1994
  • Doctorate of Medicine: Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine(Maywood, Illinois), 1998
  • Plastic Surgery Fellowship: Summa Health System(Akron, Ohio), 2005
  • Fresh Start Surgical Gifts Pediatric: Children’s Hospital San Diego/University of California(San Diego, California), 2007
  • Cleveland Clinic: Aesthetic and Breast Reconstruction Fellowship (Cleveland, Ohio), 2008


  • Clinical Instructor of Plastic Surgery: UCSD Medical Center (SSan Diego, CA), July 2007
  • Clinical Instructor of Plastic Surgery: Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, Ohio) July 2008
  • Clinical Instructor of Plastic Surgery: University of Illinois College of Medicine (Rockford, Illinois), November 2009
  • Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery: University of Illinois College of Medicine (Rockford, Illinois), January 2011


  • International Society for Plastic and Regenerative Surgery
  • International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science
  • The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
  • American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • American Association of Pediatric Plastic Surgeons
  • The Rhinoplasty Society
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, ISAPS


American Board of Plastic Surgery December 2010

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

1. Afifi AM1, Kempton SJ, Gordon CR, Pryor L, Khalil AA, Sweeney WM, KusumaS, Langevin CJ,Zins JE. Evaluating Current Functional Airway Surgery During Rhinoplasty: A Survey of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Aesthetic PlastSurg. 2015 Jan 29Nasir S, Porzel A, Pryor L, Zins JE. Biomechanical comparison of calcium phosphatecements for split cranial bone graft donor sites. Plast Reconstr Surg 2012;130(4):526e534e.

2. Pryor L, Gordon CR, Swanson EW, Reish RG, Horton-Beeman K, Cohen SR.Dermaplaning, Topical Oxygen, and Photodynamic Therapy: A Systematic Review of theLiterature. Aesthetic Plast Surg 2011;35(6):1151-9.

3. Gordon CR, Pryor L, Afifi A, Gatherwright JR, Evans PJ, Hendrickson M, Bernard S,Zins J. Hand surgery volume and the U.S. economy: Is there a statistical correlation? AnnPlastic Surg 2010;65(5):471-4.

4. Afifi AM, Gordon CR, Pryor LS, Sweeney W, Papay FA, Zins JE. Calcium phosphatecements in skull reconstruction: a meta-analysis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2010;126(4):1300-9.

5. Gordon CR, Pryor L, Afifi A, Benedetto P, Langevin CJ, Yetman R, Papay F, Zins JE.Cosmetic surgery volume and its correlation with the major U.S. stock market indices.Aesthetic Surg J 2010;30(3):470-5.

6. Gordon CR, Siemionow M, Papay F, Pryor L, Gatherwright J, Serletti J, Havlin M,Lantieri L, Mathes D, Schneeberger S, Losee J, Lee A, Zins JE. The World’s Experiencewith Facial Transplantation: What have we learned thus far? Ann PlastSurg2009;63(5):121-7.

7. Ozmen S, Kusza K, Ulusal BG, Pryor L, Siemionow M, Zins JE. HemodynamicChanges and Fluid Shift after Large Volume Fluid Infiltration: Results from a PorcineModel. Ann Plast Surg 2010;64(1):55-58.

8. Gordon CR, Siemionow M, Coffman K, Alam D, Eghtesad B, Bernard S, Zins J, PryorL, Fung J, Papay F. The Cleveland Clinic FACES score: A preliminary assessment toolfor identifying the optimal face transplant candidate. J Craniofac Surg 2009;20(6):1969-74.

9. Pryor L, Gage E, Langevin CJ, Herrera F, Breithaupt A, Gordon CR, Afifi A, Zins JE,Meltzer H, Gosman A, Cohen S, Holmes R. Review of Bone Substitutes.Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstruction 2009;2:151-160.

10. Pryor L, Lehman J, Workman M. Disorders of the Female Breast in the Pediatric AgeGroup. Plast Reconstr Surg 2009;124(Suppl):50e-60e

11. Gordon CR, Siemionow M, Coffman K, Alam D, Eghtesad B, Bernard S, Zins J, PryorL, Fung J, Papay F. The Cleveland Clinic FACES score: A preliminary assessment toolfor identifying the optimal face transplant candidate. Plast Recon Surg 2009;55(6S):42.

12. Gordon CR, Siemionow M, Coffman K, Alam D, Eghtesad B, Bernard S, Zins J, PryorL, Fung J, Papay F. The Cleveland Clinic FACES score: A preliminary assessment toolfor identifying the optimal face transplant candidate. Amer J Transplant2009;S2(9):433.

13. Cohen S, Pryor L, Mittermiller P, Meltzer H, Levy M, Broder K, Ozgur B.Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis: Current Treatment Options. Plastic Surgical Nursing2008:28(2):79-91.

14. Kim D, Pryor L, Broder K, Gosman A, Breithaupt A, Meltzer H, Levy M, Cohen S.Comparison of Open verses Minimally-Invasive Craniosynostosis Procedures from thePerspective of the Parent. J Craniofac Surg 2008;19(1):128-131.

15. Labropoulos N, Manalo D, Patel NP, Tiongson J, Pryor L, Giannoukas AD. UncommonLeg Ulcers in the Lower Extremity. J Vasc Surg 2007;45(3):568-573.

16. Labropoulos N, Patel PJ, Tiongson JE, Pryor L, Leon LR Jr, Tassiopoulos AK. Patternsof Venous Reflux and Obstruction in Patients with Skin Damage due to Chronic VenousDisease. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;41(1)33-40.

17. Pryor L, Lehman J, Parker M, et al. Outcomes in Pharyngoplasty: A 10 year experience.Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2006;43(2):222-225.

17. Labropoulos N, Pryor L, Tiongson J, et al. Are your arteries older than your age? Eur JVasc Endovasc Surg 2006;30(6)588-596.

18.  Labropoulos N, Tiongson J, Pryor L, et al. Definition of venous reflux in lowerextremity veins. J Vasc Surg 2003;38(4):793-798.

19.  Labropoulos N, Pryor L, Tiongson J, et al. The Impact of Duplex Scanning inPhlebology. Dermatol Surg 2002;28:1-5.

19.  Labropoulos N, Tiongson J, Pryor L, et al. Nonsaphenous superficial vein reflux. J VascSurg 2001; 34(5);872-877.

19.  Pryor L, Labropoulos N. Upper extremity vein thrombosis: etiologic categories,precipitating causes, and management: abstract and commentary. International VenousDigest 2001; 4:14.

Scientific Presentations

  1. Gordon CR, Siemionow M, Coffman K, Alam D, Eghtesad B, Bernard S, Zins J, PryorL, Fung J, Papay F. The Cleveland Clinic FACES score: Identifying the optimal facetransplant candidate. ASPS/PSEF Senior Residents Conference, Anaheim, CA, January2010.
  2. Gordon CR, Pryor L, Afifi A, Gatherwright JR, Evans PJ, Hendrickson M, Bernard S,Zins J. Hand surgery volume and its correlation to the US economy. American Society ofHand Surgery Annual Meeting, Boca Raton, FL, January 2010.
  3. Gordon CR, Siemionow M, Coffman K, Alam D, Eghtesad B, Bernard S, Zins J, PryorL, Fung J, Papay F. The Cleveland Clinic FACES score: Identifying the optimal facetransplant candidate. American Transplant Congress, Combined Annual Meeting,American Society of Transplantation/American Society of Transplant Surgeons, Boston,MA, June 2009.
  4. Gordon CR, Siemionow M, Coffman K, Alam D, Eghtesad B, Bernard S, Zins J, PryorL, Fung J, Papay F. The Cleveland Clinic FACES score: A preliminary assessment toolfor identifying the optimal face transplant candidate. 54th Annual Meeting, PlasticSurgery Research Council, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2009.
  5. Afifi AM, Zins JE, Pryor L, Gage E, Sweeney W, Kusuma S. National Survey of PlasticSurgeons’ Approaches to Functional Rhinoplasty. Ohio Valley Society of PlasticSurgeons, 52nd Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. May 2009.
  6. Gordon CR, Siemionow M, Coffman K, Alam D, Eghtesad B, Bernard S, Zins J, PryorL, Fung J, Papay F. The Cleveland Clinic FACES score: A preliminary assessment toolfor identifying the optimal face transplant candidate. Ohio Valley Society of PlasticSurgeons, 52nd Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. May 2009.
  7. Pryor L, Nasir S, Porzel A, Zins JE. Biomechanical Comparison of Calcium-PhosphateCements for Split Cranial Bone Graft Donor Sites.Presented at the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons 52nd Annual meeting,Indianapolis, IN, May 2009.
  8. Gordon C, Pryor L, Afifi A, Benedettto P, Langevin CJ, Papay F, Yetman R, Zins J.Aesthetic surgery volume in relation to the trends of three major U.S. market indices: A17-year retrospective analysis.Presented at the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, LasVegas, NV, May 2009.
  9. Pryor L, Meltzer H, Levy M, Cohen S. Reduction Cranioplasty for HydrocephalicMacrocephaly. Presented at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 66th Annual Meeting,Scottsdale, AZ, April 2009.
  10. Pryor L, Baird L, Ho A, Evers L, LeFloch N, Meltzer H, Cohen S, Levy M. CraniofacialReconstruction as Treatment for Increased Intracranial Pressure.Presented at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 66th Annual Meeting,Scottsdale, AZ, April 2009.
  11. Afifi A, Gordon CR, Pryor L, Walter W, Zins JE. A systematic review and metaanalysis of calcium phosphate bone-cements utilized for calvarial skull reconstruction.Presented at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 66th Annual Meeting,Scottsdale, AZ, April 2009.
  12. Gordon C, Pryor L, Afifi A, Benedettto P, Langevin CJ, Papay F, Yetman R, Zins J.Aesthetic surgery volume in relation to the trends of three major U.S. market indices: A17-year retrospective analysis.Poster presentation at the American Association of Plastic Surgeons 88th Annual Meeting,Rancho Mirage, CA, March 2009.
  13. Pryor L, Cohen S, Korn B, Kikkawa D. Orbitomalar Suspension: The Deep Plane Revisited. Presented at the California Society of Plastic Surgeons 58th Annual Meeting, Dana Point,CA, June 2008.
  14. Pryor L, Broder K, Gosman A, Holmes R, Cohen S. Delayed Pharyngeal Flap forSalvage of the Failed Sphincter Pharyngoplasty.Presented at the California Society of Plastic Surgeons 58th Annual Meeting, Dana Point,CA, June 2008.
  15. Pryor L, Breithaupt A, Meltzer H, Broder K, Gosman A, Gelwert D, Cohen S.Comparison of Endoscopic and Open Repair of Craniosynostois.Presented at the California Society of Plastic Surgeons 58th Annual Meeting, Dana Point,CA, June 2008.
  16. Pryor L, Broder K, Gosman A, Holmes R, Cohen S. The Midface Degloving Technique(MDT) for Reconstruction of the Bilateral Cleft Nasal Deformity.Presented at the California Society of Plastic Surgeons 58th Annual Meeting, Dana Point,CA, June 2008.
  17. Pryor L, Breithaupt A, Cohen S, Meltzer H, Levy M, Broder K, Gosman A, Gephart M,Ozgur B. Endoscopic Correction of Metopic Craniosynostosis.Presented at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 65th Annual Meeting,Philadelphia, PA, April 2008.
  18. Masin J, Lehman J, Stone P, Pryor L. Successful Adenoidectomy Following SpeechSurgery Induced Hyponasality.Presented at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 65th Annual Meeting,Philadelphia, PA, April 2008.
  19. Pryor L, Broder K, Gosman A, Holmes R, Cohen S. Delayed Pharyngeal Flap forSalvage of the Failed Sphincter Pharyngoplasty.Presented at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 65th Annual Meeting,Philadelphia, PA, April 2008.
  20. Pedersen D, Pryor L, Huth J, Lehman J. Examining the Use of Postoperative ArmSplints: A Survey of North American Cleft Palate Centers.Poster presentation at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 65th AnnualMeeting, Philadelphia, PA, April 2008.
  21. Pedersen D, Pryor L, Huth J, Lehman J. Examining the Use of Postoperative ArmSplints: A Survey of North American Cleft Palate Centers.Presented at the ASPS/PSEF Senior Resident Conference, February 2008.
  22. Pryor L, Broder K, Gosman A, Holmes R, Cohen S. Delayed Pharyngeal Flap forSalvage of the Failed Sphincter Pharyngoplasty.Presented at the Aesthetic Facial Reconstruction in Adults and Children Symposium,Tucson, AZ, February 2008.
  23. Pryor L, Broder K, Gosman A, Holmes R, Cohen S. The Midface Degloving Technique(MDT) for Reconstruction of the Bilateral Cleft Nasal Deformity.Presented at the Aesthetic Facial Reconstruction in Adults and Children Symposium,Tucson, AZ, February 2008.
  24. Baird L, Ho A, Evers L, Pryor L, LeFloch N, Meltzer H, Cohen S, Levy M. CraniofacialReconstruction as Treatment for Increased Intracranial Pressure.Presented at The 36th Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section of PediatricNeurological Surgery, Miami, FL, November, 2007.
  25. Pryor L, Broder K, Gosman A, Holmes R, Cohen S. The Midface Degloving Breithaupt A, Meltzer H, Pryor L, Broder K, Gosman A, Gelwert D, Cohen S.Comparison of Endoscopic and Open Repair of Craniosynostois.Poster presentation at UCSD School of Medicine Research Competition, San Diego, CA,November 2007.Technique(MDT) for Reconstruction of the Bilateral Cleft Nasal Deformity.Presented at the California Society of Plastic Surgeons 58th Annual Meeting, Dana Point,CA, June 2008.
  26. Pryor L, Sudimak V, Andrews D. Early Excision and Grafting of Facial Burns.Poster presentation at Summa Health System Postgraduate Scientific Session, Akron, OH,June 2007.
  27. Lanzinger W, Notash M, Pryor L, Paranjape C, Wright D. Autologous Saphenous VeinPatch Angioplasty of Infected Vascugaurd Bovine Patch Angioplasty Following CarotidEndarterectomy. Poster presentation at the 10th Annual Northeastern Ohio UniversitiesCollege of Medicine (NEOUCOM) Surgery Resident Research Competition, Rootstown,OH, May 2007.
  28. Pryor L, Sudimak V, Andrews D. Early Excision and Grafting of Facial Burns.Poster presentation at the 10th Annual Northeastern Ohio Universities College ofMedicine (NEOUCOM) Surgery Resident Research Competition, Rootstown, OH, May2007 – 1st place.
  29. Pryor L, Sudimak V, Andrews D. Early Excision and Grafting of Facial Burns.Presented at the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons 50th Annual Meeting,Indianapolis, IN, May 2007.
  30. Pryor L, Sudimak V, Andrews D. Early Excision and Grafting of Facial Burns.Presented at the ASPS/PSEF Senior Resident Conference, Pasadena, California, February2007.
  31. Pryor L, Sudimak V, Andrews D Pryor L, Lehman J, Fishman J, et al. Outcomes in Palate Fistula : An 18 YearExperience. Oral and Poster Presentation at Summa Health System Postgraduate Scientific Session, Akron, OH, June 2006.. Early Excision and Grafting of Facial Burns. Poster presentation at Summa Health System Postgraduate Scientific Session, Akron, OH,June 2007.
  32. Pryor L, Lehman J, Fishman J, et al. Outcomes in Palate Fistula : An 18 YearExperience.Presented at the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons 49th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2006.
  33. Pryor L, Lehman J, Fishman J, et al. Outcomes in Palate Fistula : An 18 Year Experience. Poster Presentation at the 9th Annual Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine(NEOUCOM) Surgery Resident Research Competition, Rootstown, OH, May 2006.
  34. Pryor L, Sudimak V, Andrews D. Early Excision Pryor L, Lehman J, Fishman J, et al. Outcomes in Palate Fistula : An 18 Year Experience. Presented at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 2006.and Grafting of Facial Burns. Poster presentation at Summa Health System Postgraduate Scientific Session, Akron, OH,June 2007.
  35. Lehman J, Pryor L, Lefaivre JF, et al. Comparision of Speech Outcomes and Revision Rates following Pharyngoplasty and Pharyngeal Flap. Presented at the 10th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Durban, South Africa, September 2005.
  36. Lehman J, Pryor L, Parker M, et al. Outcomes in Pharyngoplasty: A 10 year experience. Presented at the 10th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Durban, South Africa, September 2005.
  37. Pryor L, Stakleff KS, Guyton D et al. Evaluation of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells Among Women. Poster Presentation at Akron General Medical Center Postgraduate Scientific Session, June 2005.
  38. Pryor L, Lehman J, Parker M, et al. Outcomes in Pharyngoplasty: A 10 year experience. Poster Presentation at Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron, Postgraduate Scientific Session, Akron, OH, June 2005.
  39. Pryor L, Stakleff KS, Guyton D et al. Evaluation of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells Among Women. Presented at the 8th Annual Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine(NEOUCOM) Surgery Resident Research Competition, Rootstown, OH, May 2005 – 2ndplace.
  40. Pryor L, Lefaivre JF, Lehman J et al. Comparision of Speech Outcomes and Revision Rates following Pharyngoplasty and Pharyngeal Flap. Presented at the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons 48th Annual Meeting, Aurora, OH, May 2005.
  41. Pryor L, Lefaivre JF, Lehman J et al. Comparision of Speech Outcomes and Revision Rates following Pharyngoplasty and Pharyngeal Flap. Presented at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 62nd Annual Meeing, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, April 2005.
  42. Pryor L, Lehman J, Parker M, et al. Outcomes in Pharyngoplasty: A 10 year experience. Poster Presentation at Akron General Medical Center Postgraduate Scientific Session ,Akron, OH, June 2004.
  43. Pryor L, Lehman J, Parker M, et al. Outcomes in Pharyngoplas Pryor L, Lehman J, Parker M, et al. Outcomes in Pharyngoplasty: A 10 year experience. Presented at the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons 47th Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, May 2004.ty: A 10 year experience. Poster Presentation at Akron General Medical Center Postgraduate Scientific Session, Akron, OH, June 2004.
  44. Pryor L, Lehman J, Parker M, et al. Outcomes in Pharyngoplasty: A 10 year experience. Presented at the 7th Annual Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine(NEOUCOM) Surgery Resident Research Competition, Rootstown, OH, April 2004.
  45. Pryor L, Lehman J, Parker M, et al. Outcomes in Pharyngoplasty: A 10 year experience.Poster Presentation at the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 61st AnnualMeeting, Chicago, IL, March 2004.
  46. Labropoulos N, Pryor L, Tiongson J, et al. Are your arteries older than your age?Presented at 20th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology, New York,NY, April 2002.
  47. Pryor L, Labropoulos N, Tiongson J, et al. Are your arteries older than your age?Presented at the Surgical Honor Society Research Competition – 1st place, LoyolaUniversity Medical Center, April 2002.
  48. Labropoulos N, Tiongson J, Pryor L, et al. Definition of Venous Reflux in Lower LimbVeins. Presented at the American Venous Forum – 3rd place, La Jolla, California,February 2002.
  49. Labropoulos N, Tiongson J, Pryor L, et al. The etiology and anatomic distribution ofvenous disease in patients with venous ulcers.Presented at Surgical Honor Society Research Competition – 1st place, Loyola UniversityMedical Center, October 2001.
  50. Labropoulos N, Tiongson J, Pryor L, et al. Nonsaphenous superficial vein reflux.Presented at 29th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, Boca Raton, FL, April 2001.
  51. Labropoulos N, Pryor L, Tiongson J, et al. Are your arteries older than your age?Presented at the Society of Vascular Technology, Orlando, FL, August 2000. Pryor L, Raza A, Robin J, et al. The dual role of TNF-alpha in the proliferative andapoptotic pathways of myelodysplastic syndromes. Presented at Rush Cancer Institute,Chicago IL, August 1997.

Honors and Awards:

  1. Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, 10th Annual Surgery Resident Research Competition : Early Excision and Grafting of Facial Burns: 1st place May 2007
  2. Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine 8th Annual Surgery Resident Research Competition : Evaluation of Circulating Endothelial ProgenitorCells Among Women: 2nd place. May 2005
  3. American College of Surgeons Resident Award for Exemplary Teaching : Nominated for excellence in teaching and education. October 2003
  4. Surgical Honors Society : Annual Research Competition.Are your arteries older than your age?The ultrasonic characteristics of the carotid intima-mediathickness (IMT) and cardiovascular prognosis: 1st place. April 2002
  5. Surgical Honors Society : Annual Research Competition. The etiology and anatomic distribution of venous disease inpatients with venous ulcers: 1st place. October 2001
  6. Venous Research Award, American Venous Forum : Definition of Venous Reflux in Lower Limb Veins: 3rd place. February 2001
  7. Lifeline Foundation Scholarship : Awarded national scholarship and grant for research on venous ulcers. October 2000

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