(561) 776-9555 Consultation

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Estetica Institute of the Palm Beaches


When choosing the best plastic surgeon and once you’ve decided to have a plastic surgery procedure, your next step will be to choose a plastic surgeon. While there are many plastic surgeons out there, how do you ensure that you choose the best on the best one for you and your procedure? Below we’ve included a list of 4 tips for choosing the best plastic surgeon for your needs.


  • Certifications are an extremely important factor when it comes to selecting a plastic surgeon to perform your procedure. Is the surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery? What additional certifications do they have? By completing research before making your choice you are ensuring that you choose a plastic surgeon with the necessary certifications.

About The Plastic Surgery Center

  • Is the plastic surgery center clean and comfortable to you? The comfort you feel, while visiting the plastic surgery center is important as well. If you find the plastic surgery office to be an enjoyable place to visit during your appointments it will provide you with a better overall experience.

Are They Experienced?

  • Does the plastic surgeon have experience performing the procedure that your looking to have? Ask the plastic surgeon if they have before and after pictures available for the procedure so that you can get an understanding of their work. This is also a good way to explain to the surgeon what you are looking for in your procedure.


  • Are you comfortable speaking with and asking questions to the plastic surgeon? An emotional connect is important as well to ensure that you are comfortable enough to ask questions and to receive clear answers from the plastic surgeon. If you feel unable to ask the questions you need to make a decision that you feel comfortable with, perhaps that is not the best plastic surgeon for you.

At Estetica Institute of the Palm Beaches, we focus on providing patients the highest quality of care available. Our state-of-the-art plastic surgery center in Palm Beach Gardens offers a comfortable and relaxing environment for patients. The dedicated and experienced plastic surgeons and staff at Estetica Institute are available for all our patients needs. Our surgeons have experience performing various procedures. Please feel free to browse the website for additional information or to submit a contact form for additional questions. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call (561) 776-9555.

Schedule Your Consultation

In this life, you only get one body to work with. Estética Institute helps you make the most of it. During your one-on-one consultation, an Estetica specialist will sit down with you, answer your questions, and help you determine the proper aesthetic care for your unique skin and body. Schedule your consultation today to begin your journey to a more beautiful life!