(561) 776-9555 Consultation

Blepharoplasty in West Palm Beach, FL

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Revitalize Your Eyes

Transformative Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Eyelid Surgery, or Blepharoplasty, can eliminate bags that lie underneath the eyes as well as turn back the clock for the patient offering a more youthful appearance in the eyes and overall face. When a person ages, he/she develops natural wrinkles that can surround the eye and cause problems over time. These problems can easily be eliminated with an eyelid surgery. Eyelid surgery procedures can also be combined with other surgeries to provide the most effective results to suit your individual needs.

Blepharoplasty in West Palm Beach, FL


Reasons for considering an Blepharoplasty

With Blepharoplasty West Palm Beach patients can achieve their desired results if they want to address:

  • The sagging bags under the eyes.
  • Crows feet or excessive wrinkles around the eyes.
  • The tired look, from aging and other factors.
Blepharoplasty in West Palm Beach, FL


How is Blepharoplasty performed?

By making incisions in the small grooves near the eyes, the loose skin is tightened from the upper eyelid and the excess fatty deposits are removed. The lower eyelids normally have to undergo a little bit more work to eliminate the dark circles and remove the bulges in skin. In some instances, the doctors can choose to do the lower Blepharoplasty in two different ways. One way is to make incisions and remove the fatty deposits. Another method to performing lower Blepharoplasty is to use laser technology.

Experience Excellence

Where is Blepharoplasty performed?

The Blepharoplasty surgery is performed in Estetica Institute’s accredited surgical center, in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Our surgeries are performed at our state of the art surgical ORs by a highly trained staff of professionals who all maintain the highest credentials. Our facility is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).

Efficient and Convenient

How long does the Blepharoplasty procedure take?

Typically, at our practice in West Palm Beach Blepharoplasty takes about one hour to perform. Patient will recover for about a half-hour after the procedure, and then may go home.

Blepharoplasty in West Palm Beach, FL


Can I drive myself home after Blepharoplasty?

We suggest that you arrange for a ride home with a friend or relative.


What happens after a Blepharoplasty surgery? What is the recovery process?

This surgery is frequently performed under local anesthesia and requires little down time and no bandages or compression wraps during healing. If the patient is combining other procedures with Blepharoplasty, recovery time may be longer and anesthesia may be required. If eyelid surgery is done under local anesthesia, over the counter pain relievers are usually sufficient. Patients should follow the directions of the doctor to avoid any post-operative problems.

Using the most modern techniques and surgical skill, this amazing procedure can truly return your appearance to a more youthful and refreshed look. The healing process for Blepharoplasty is typically minor but the long term benefits are major! Visit our Videos Page to see an example of a Blepharoplasty performed by Dr. Gregory S. DeLange on the Mo and Sally Show! Call us now at (561) 776-9555 to find out more about Blepharoplasty in West Palm Beach.

Blepharoplasty in West Palm Beach, FL

Schedule Your Consultation

In this life, you only get one body to work with. Estética Institute helps you make the most of it. During your one-on-one consultation, an Estetica specialist will sit down with you, answer your questions, and help you determine the proper aesthetic care for your unique skin and body. Schedule your consultation today to begin your journey to a more beautiful life!