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One of the most stubborn areas to remove fat deposits is from the arms. We often find that no matter how hard you exercise and how controlled your dieting process is, it sometimes virtually impossible to remove fat from around the arm area. And whether or not the accumulation of fat around the arms has occurred through weight gain or simply growing older, the objective for women has always been toned and slender arms as a matching part of the perfect physique.
Arm Liposuction is performed with a device called a cannula, which is a tube that is gently inserted into the treatment area. The device is moved back and forth and breaks up fat cells, which are sucked through the tube and out of the arm. Dr. DeLange has been performing liposuction procedures for over 20 years and has a vast knowledge of how fat is stored in the body and a critical understanding of how liposuction is used to eliminate these fat deposits.
Dr. DeLange has successfully perfected an artistic method for sculpting various areas of the body, through liposuction and producing proportionate, beautiful appearances in each case. At our office near West Palm Beach Arm liposuction has fast become a signature procedure for Dr. DeLange, helping to enhance the lives of many of his patients at Estetica Institute.
Although, the procedure is mostly done by women, men also can benefit from this same type of treatment. Arm Liposuction provides an overall thinner appearance and since arms are the most visible part of the body, liposuction of the arms gives women (and men) more overall confidence in their appearance and physique.
Reasons for considering
If you are bothered by excess fat deposits, located anywhere on your body, that don’t respond to diet or exercise, liposuction may be right for you.
Are you a good candidate for Arm Liposuction?
Arm Liposuction works equally well for both Women and Men. You may be a good candidate for liposuction surgery if:
In this life, you only get one body to work with. Estética Institute helps you make the most of it. During your one-on-one consultation, an Estetica specialist will sit down with you, answer your questions, and help you determine the proper aesthetic care for your unique skin and body. Schedule your consultation today to begin your journey to a more beautiful life!