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July 29, 2019
The SPF number tells you the amount of time you can spend in the sun without getting burned. So, a sunscreen that’s SPF 30 will allow you to remain in the sun 30 minutes longer without getting sunburn that without any sunscreen at all. However, using SPF 60 in the mornings doesn’t protect you from the sun all day. That’s because sunscreen wears off pretty fast, especially if swimming or other water is involved. If you use a high-quality waterproof sunscreen, you’re still only guaranteed about 80 minutes.
You also want to be protected from UVA rays. So, make sure your sunscreen specifically blocks both UVA/UVB rays. Also, try to take breaks from the sun here and there. And, reapply your sunscreen often.
Don’t be skimpy with the sunscreen. Apply generous amounts on every part of your body that will be exposed to the sun. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you should apply one shot glass amount of sunscreen to every exposed portion of your body. In other words, apply a lot!
It’s good to cover up when you’re out in the sun. This will help protect you a bit. But, the American Academy of Dermatology suggests that the average tee shirt will only provide you with protection at the level of about an SPF 8. So, use your sunscreen as lotion or moisturizer and lather it on before getting dressed to go out in the summer.
There are some hard-to-reach areas on your body that you may accidentally forget. But, since they’re exposed to the sun, don’t let them slide. If you do, you’re exposing these areas, such as the tops of your feet, behind your knees and your entire ears to harmful rays from the sun.
Summer Skin Care Tips
The summer sun could cause your skin to look damaged and unhealthy overtime. Here are some summer beauty tips to help you care for your skin properly during the hot, summer months:
Stay Moisturized
Yes, it may be too hot for certain types of lotions, which may make you sweat when it’s hot. However, you must moisturize your skin daily to keep it from drying out. Moisturizing will protect you from moisture loss, bacteria and pollution, as well as chlorine, salt and sunburns.
Exfoliate Properly
Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, which unclogs your pores. This reveals the new skin underneath. A facial exfoliation will leave your skin looking refreshed, creating a better canvas for your summer makeup. Keep in mind that this may make your skin sensitive, and prone to sunburns. So, try to do your exfoliating when you won’t be in the sun for a while.
In this life, you only get one body to work with. Estética Institute helps you make the most of it. During your one-on-one consultation, an Estetica specialist will sit down with you, answer your questions, and help you determine the proper aesthetic care for your unique skin and body. Schedule your consultation today to begin your journey to a more beautiful life!