Schedule a Consultation
February 26, 2018
So, your plastic surgery consultation is coming up, are you ready for it? This consultation is your first opportunity to meet your surgeon and learn about plastic surgery. It goes without saying the more prepared you are, the more you will get out of your consultation. Your surgeon is a wealth of knowledge, so ask away! This way you leave feeling educated, informed, and have a piece of mind.
1. Do Your Research
Before your consultation, take some time to research basic details about the procedure you’re considering. The more well informed you are, the faster you’ll be able to get the basics out of the way and get into the more important details. Here are some basic questions you should ask, and have complete answers to after your consult
• How long is the surgery for this procedure
• How long is the recovery
• What type of anesthesia do I need
• Will I need a driver and post care? If so, for how long?
• Am a I great good candidate for this ?
• What are the possible side effects and risks?
• What is the total cost?
2. Bring On The Questions
Your surgeon is a book of knowledge so ask, ask, ask away! This is also an excellent way to find out your doctor’s credentials and background. Good questions to ask are: “How often do you perform this procedure?” or “Are you Board Certified” Additionally, converse with the office staff and ask them questions.
3. Look At Before And After Photos
If you’re still not completely sure about your aesthetic goals, looking at your surgeon’s before and after photos is a great way to help you achieve what you want. Many surgeons try to include a diverse range of patient’s ages, body frame, height and weight.
4.Your Medical History
Be sure to inform your surgeon of any and all past and present medical surgeries and condtions. This would include and daily medications, whether they are prescription or over the counter, it is very important to inform your surgeon. Additionally, it is a must that you be honest and open about your alcohol use and any smoking.
5. Know Your Motivation For Undergoing A Procedure
Finally, before your consultation, and after, take some time to think about everything you have learned and know the reason why you are electing to have a procedure. Only you can decide what is right for you and feeling confident is the key to looking amazing!
For additional questions and to schedule a free consultation, click here or call Dr. DeLange at (561) 776-9555.
In this life, you only get one body to work with. Estética Institute helps you make the most of it. During your one-on-one consultation, an Estetica specialist will sit down with you, answer your questions, and help you determine the proper aesthetic care for your unique skin and body. Schedule your consultation today to begin your journey to a more beautiful life!